Wool: A fiber to wear all year round
March 26, 2025
We generally think that Wool garments are only for winter, protecting us from the cold, wind, and humidity. All of this is really true, but behind there are many more advantages beyond those I just mentioned, which I will describe in more detail throughout this post.
Wear a Shawl
February 22, 2024
Wearing a Shawl with grace and naturalness is not an easy thing. There are people who by nature have no problem moving fluidly with a Shawl around their neck or shoulders, but for others it is a real challenge. But it's like walking gracefully on high heels. It's all a matter of practice and more practice.

Types of Wool
March 12, 2023
Man has used Wool to cover themselves since ancient times and over time has developed weaving mechanisms, either manual or mechanical, to make garments. The different Types of Wool are also mixed together to achieve different finishes, lighter or thicker depending on their purpose.
Cozy textures ♥
October 05, 2022
Our spirits are at their peak because we return to see and feel the different winter textures that give us so much pleasure. We dedicate ourselves to it and in this season of the year our activity becomes much more active. This is when we are in our element. The different types of materials with which we work, especially Wool and Sheepskin, are transformed day by day.

A Cotton knitted Shawl
July 13, 2022
...It would be an openwork fabric, reversible, easy to wear in spring - summer and that at the same time reveals the skin, maybe with fringes because it gives it a graceful movement, that can be worn over the shoulders with a strapless dress, for example, or a thin top...
The Studio
May 31, 2022
This place located at number 50 in Sint Nicolaasstraat, it is also the Showroom of the brand and the operational center of the online store. Many of our handmade garments are made there and where you also can see, touch and appreciate the different textures of fibers and natural materials that we have.

March 27, 2021
Sheep are peaceful and pleasant animals that give so much of themselves that there is nothing left but to be enormously grateful to them, whether for their wool, their meat, milk or their skin, everything in them is useful and abundant for the human being and it is not possible to ignore it.
February 07, 2021
...I keep thinking that this, despite the fact that many of us do not like it, will leave a deep mark on us and will make us much more aware of what nature offers us for free and of how necessary the company and affection of the family and our friends...

October 03, 2020
One of the favorite garments of our house is the Cardigan. We love this versatile and timeless garment who does not follow to specific fashions, but who somehow manages to be always present in our wardrobe....
July 06, 2020
For lovers of Wool as the raw material of our clothing, we like that it is authentic and of good quality, to be able to enjoy all its advantages for a long time. We have developed some guidelines so that the next time you go shopping, pay attention and train your eye and touch to that you learn to know a good garment of Wool.

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